Diploma in Hospital Infection Prevention, Control and CSSD Management

Diploma in Hospital Infection Prevention, Control and CSSD Management

Diploma in Hospital Infection Prevention, Control and CSSD Management

Hospital Acquired infection (HAI) also known as Nosocomial infection, is a major healthcare concern throughout the word. Patients with prolonged stay in the hospital are at greater risk of getting HAI. The prevalence of healthcare-associated infection (HAI) and consequent morbidity & mortality in countries like India is a matter of concern. HAIs are a threat to patient safety, hospitals and healthcare facilities have made the prevention and reduction of these infections a top priority. Skilled health workforce in India does not meet WHO recommended threshold (22.8 skilled workers per 10,000 population). Infection control as a component of NABH compliance is becoming more important for the patient's safety & better outcome.

Central Sterile Services Department (CSSD) establishment plays a crucial role in providing quality sterile supply and thereby considered as important support in reducing healthcare associated infection. Optimization of CSSD operations and management has positive impact on overall hospital performance. Thus, this course is primarily aimed at developing capacity among working professionals and the freshmen's for providing understanding, training and effective implementation of Infection control practices as well as operations and management of CSSD to prevent healthcare- associated infection.

Candidates passing out from the program would be able to work efficiently in Infection Prevention, Control & CSSD at Government, Private Hospitals & healthcare organizations.

  • To train the students to work efficiently in the processes, practices and implementation for Infection Control in hospital set up.
  • The student would be able to:
    1. Understand the Microbiology principles & its application in hospital acquired infections & prevention.
    2. Capable of developing, implementing, supervising and auditing a comprehensive infection prevention and control program like antibiotic stewardship, surveillance etc. in different healthcare facilities.
    3. To understand & practice effective CSSD operation and its management.
Semester 1
Course Code Name of Course Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Theory Credits Practical Credits Total Credits Theory Practical
Internal External
New Basic & Applied Microbiology 1 1 2 100 - - 100
New Health Care-Associated Infections & Epidemiology 2 1 3 90 30 30 150
New Principles & Practices of Infection Control 2 2 4 80 60 60 200
New Antibiotic Resistance & Stewardship 1 2 3 90 30 30 150
New Surveillance, Outbreak Management & Quality Control 1 2 3 90 30 30 150
T4902 Internship (Hospital Infection) - 2 2 100 - - 100
Total 7 10 17 550 150 150 850
Semester 2
Course Code Name of Course Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Theory Credits Practical Credits Total Credits Theory Practical
Internal External
New Biomedical Waste Management 1 1 2 100 - - 100
New Sterilization & Disinfection 1 2 3 90 30 30 150
New Protocols, Policies & Guidelines in Infection Control 1 1 2 60 40 - 100
New Processes in CSSD 1 1 2 60 - 40 100
New CSSD Operations & Management 1 1 2 60 40 - 100
T4902 Internship (CSSD) - 2 2 100 - - 100
Total 5 08 13 470 110 70 650
Semester 100% Internal Credits External Credits Total Credits Total Marks
1 4 13 17 850
2 4 9 13 650
Total 8 22 30 1500

Thirty (30) seats


The Diploma in Hospital Infection Prevention, Control and CSSD Management (DHIPCCM) offered by the Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences (SIHS) is a comprehensive one-year (12 Months) part-time program conducted on campus. The primary focus of this diploma lies in the domains of Infection Prevention, Control & CSSD at Government, Private Hospitals & Healthcare Organizations.

The pedagogy of the program is designed to integrate theory learning with practical training sessions. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to gain real-world exposure through frequent visits to industries and tertiary care hospitals, which serve as valuable components of experiential learning (hospital based internship).

Throughout the program, students will develop proficiency in various aspects of the Microbiology principles & its application in hospital acquired infections & prevention, including capable of developing, implementing, supervising and auditing a comprehensive infection prevention and control program like antibiotic stewardship, surveillance etc. in different healthcare facilities, practice effective CSSD operation and its management. By mastering these skills, students will be equipped to effectively operate and manage Hospital Infection Prevention, Control and CSSD Management (DHIPCCM) in diverse healthcare settings.


Students will be continuous evaluated by periodic tests as well as assignments throughout this one-year of the programme. Consideration will be given for the student's contribution to classroom discussions, written reports, reading and other assignments

The evaluation will have both internal & external components. The internal component will be continuous throughout the semester & external component will be conducted by the university at the end of the semester. A student would be required to pass in each head (internal and external) independently. Students would be awarded the Grade Point Average where grades would be awarded based on the class average. A student would be required to perform consistently well.

The Diploma in Hospital Infection Prevention, Control and CSSD Management programme will have a total of 30 credits in 2 semesters. Each credit is defined as 15 hours of teaching (Lecture or Lecture demonstration) or 30 hours of supervised practical. Each credit is assessed for 25 Marks.


All internal courses will have 100% component as internal evaluation at the institute level. All external courses will have 60% internal component and 40% component as external (University) examination.


The assessment of the student for each examination is done, based on relative performance. Maximum Grade Point (GP) is 10 corresponding to “O” (Outstanding). For all courses, a student is required to pass both internal and external examination separately with a minimum Grade Point of 4 corresponding to Grade P. Students securing less than 40% absolute marks in each head of passing will be declared FAIL. The University awards a degree to the student who has achieved a minimum CGPA of 4 out of maximum of 10 CGPA for the programme.


Graduate in Allied Healthcare / Life Sciences / MBA (HHM) / BDS/ BHMS / BAMS / BUMS / BPT / Occupational Therapist / B.Sc. Nursing / PB B.Sc. Nursing / BSc. Emergency Care and Trauma Care Technology from any recognised University/ Institution of National Importance.


It is the responsibility of the Candidates to ascertain whether they possess the requisite qualifications for admission. Having been admitted provisionally does not mean acceptance of eligibility. Final eligibility for admission will be decided by Symbiosis International University.

Admission Schedule


Sr No Description Date(s)
1 Commencement of Registration 22nd July 2024 ( Monday)
2 Closure of Registration 14th Jan 2025 (Tuesday)
3 PI Dates Rolling Selection Process Starting from 30 July, 2024 (Tuesday)
4 Merit List Date 10th Dec, 2024 (1st list) (Tuesday) and 17th Dec, 2024 (2nd list) (Tuesday) and 7th jan, 2025 (3rd list) (Tuesday)
5 Programme Commencement 18thth January, 2025 (Saturday)

Disclaimer: These are tentative dates, subject to change. For regular updates, please log on www.sihs.edu.in

FEE STRUCTURE FOR Diploma in Hospital Infection Prevention, Control & CSSD Management (Batch 2024-25)
Program fee Amount in INR
Academic Fee Per Annum 19,000
Total Fee 19,000
How to Apply:


STEP I: Complete the online registration by filling the online registration form and making online payment of registration charges. Registration charges are INR 1250/-.

STEP II: You will receive an email for “Personal Interaction”, schedule which will be conducted in an online mode. You are required to attend the “Personal Interaction” on the link provided in the email.

STEP III: Selected candidate will be informed for payment of the 1st instalment of academic fees through the email.

STEP IV: Admission process will be completed after the verification of all the submitted documents and payment of the 1st instalment of academic fees.

For registration, click here


  • Certificate of passing the qualifying examination (Graduation)
  • he qualifying examination (Graduation)
  • Migration Certificate in original
  • Transfer Certificate or School Leaving Certificate
  • Character Certificate / No dues certificate
  • Requisite caste certificate issued by the competent authority if admission is against reserved category
  • Gap Certificate if applicable
  • Certificate of change of name if applicable supported by documentary evidence like Government Gazette

Symbiosis Centre for International Education (SCIE) handles all subject matters relating to admissions of International Students to the constituent institutes of Symbiosis International (Deemed University).

Kindly visit the link provided below for further assistance: https://www.scie.ac.in

  • To enable the students and the faculty members gain global exposure though various exchange programs.
  • To develop research-based collaborations across various institutes in the World.
  • To develop academic collaborations through partnerships and scholar-in-residence program. The initiatives include students exchange programme, faculty exchange programme, Academic collaborations with various global bodies, Research partnerships, Conducting & attending international conferences and admitting international students
  • Symbiosis Centre for International Education (SCIE) handles all subject matters relating to admissions of International Students to the constituent institutes of Symbiosis International (Deemed University).
  • Kindly visit the link provided below for further assistance: https://www.scie.ac.in
  • Step 1: Online Registration on https://www.scie.ac.in
  • Step 2: Enter the website and click on UG Application Open 2024 tab. This takes you to the registration portal.
  • Step 3: Check your eligibility for the programme at the respective institute website and confirm the same.
  • Step 4: Click on "Register". Read all the Instructions carefully and then click on the 'I Agree' button to accept the Terms and Conditions. Fill in Mini Registration Form. Click on the "Register Now".
  • step 5: Fill in the personal details & educational details. You need to upload required documents and make a payment of application fee to complete the registration process. You can access your email to get the SCIE ID and password for future correspondence. Check 'Spam Mail' in case it is not showing in 'Inbox'. Candidates can use online or offline payment options to pay the application fee (non-refundable).
  • Step 6: The Admissions Committee will carefully review your application and the supporting documents you provide. If shortlisted, you will be invited for further evaluation.
  • Step 7: There are Three possible outcomes for your application: offer, waitlist, or regret. You will be informed of the Admission Committee's decision within 15 working days. Students on waitlist will receive an email from SCIE with reference to their status after declaration of merit list.


+91 20 25925324

+91 20 25925350

+91 20 25671905

WhatsApp Number: +91 7720858521 (Not for calling)


Symbiosis International (Deemed University) Campus Hill Base, Lavale, Pune - 412115, Maharashtra India.

Email for admissions: diploma_healthcare@sihs.edu.in
Social Link
Website: www.sihs.edu.in
  • Learner will be able to develop understanding and effective implementation of Hospital Hygiene, Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) and infection prevention control.
  • Learner will be able to work in to CSSD operations and management.
Graduate Attributes
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